Monday, October 20, 2014

Darlene Cunningham really spoke to me this morning!

Darlene Cunningham, one of my heroes, spoke this morning to a gathering of hundreds of DTS students. She was teaching on using the gift God has given you. “What is in your hand”, she asked. It’s an inspiring teaching that I’ve heard her share before, but it wasn’t that teaching that struck me so much. She went off on a tangent about trusting God with your children's future. She shared how God provided for her son’s education. Their son David actually has 2 degrees. He has one from the University of the Nations and one from U.S.C. Being missionaries it would have been extremely difficult to pay for that kind of education for the Cunninghams. Through tragic circumstances God provided. There was another family who saved for many years for their son’s education, and tragically he passed away before he could use it. This remarkable family gave generously out of their grief. David’s education was paid for all the way through! Loren and Darlene never paid a dime.

Being a new mom, I spend a considerable amount of time thinking about Noah. I am trying to enjoy every day of his little life, but I can’t help but think about his future. Chris and I joke about what he will say about us during his DTS, and I do hope and pray he chooses to do a DTS. Being in full time missions, we too wonder how we will provide for Noah as he grows older. Everyone says babies are soooooo expensive and children just get more and more expensive. To be honest Noah has hardly cost us anything in the 8 months since we had him. Everything I can think of that I have wanted for him has been given to us. I could bore you with a long list of things that I wanted and the next week someone said to me, “hey do you have one of these? I bought it and only used it once and now my kid is too big for it.” I received the breast pump I wanted, the baby carrier I wanted, more clothes than Noah could wear and I literally have enough shoes for him until he is 5!

God’s provision in this kid’s life has been a crazy thing to witness. Noah probably couldn't care less what clothes he’s wearing, but I think God wanted to make it VERY clear to us in this first year as parents that He is more concerned with Noah’s needs than we are, and we can trust Him to take care of Noah’s future too.

I am so thankful for the women and men who have gone before me in this mission and whose lives are a testimony and witness to the faithfulness of Him who calls us. I’m sure you’ll never read this but thank you Darlene for leading the way. You are a gift to my generation! 


  1. Yes Cary He provides. Sarah's scholarship at Williams College (Forbes Magazine and US News and World Report's rated as the number 1 college several years in a row is beyond my thoughts! She not only finished college loan free, she also got to travel to Israel, Turkey, Greece and Taiwan at different trips during college. They paid for her 8 months of college tuition and living allowance with an apartment in New Delhi India. They gave her a job over college so she can have pocket money. And the beautiful thing about it is when she lived in India, the Lord had it that her dorm is a couple blocks away from the Camachos. A quarter of a million dollars would have been too much for us but God gave! I had the same thoughts when Sarah was a baby but God brought people to our lives to assure us that He is in control. Amazing isn't it?

    1. Oh Annabelle, that's a great story and I had never heard it. God is so good. Thanks for sharing, I need to have you come share your stories with our gals!
