Friday, April 6, 2012

Baptisms at Sunset
Jan 2012 DTS
23 Students
9 Staff
6 Months of their lives dedicated to "knowing God and making him known"
= Lives radically changed and God glorified.

Chris and I went on a dinner date to our new favorite Mexican restaurant, (those are hard to find in Hawaii).  Before we left we spent 20 min discussing whether or not it was a wise decision to go spend our money that way. Obviously in the end our taste buds won out and we enjoyed chicken tacos and garlic shrimp. As we drove there I asked him if he ever thought about what it would be like to work a "real" job and get a pay check and be like "normal" people who didn't have to think about if it was financially responsible to go to dinner with their spouse on a Friday night to a hole in the wall Mexican restaurant. What followed was one of my favorite conversations we've had lately. Chris said, "Ya I think about it but the payoff we get for doing our job is worth more than what anyone could pay us. We're in the business of changing lives, nothing compares to that."

 He was right, nothing compares to seeing a student who has been dealt a bad deck in life come into DTS believing all sorts of lies about themselves that they've swallowed hook line and sinker and watch the Lord begin to shine light and truth into their hearts and minds. There is nothing better this side of heaven then to see a life radically changed by the truth and light of Jesus and a community of people who are dedicated to them for no other reason then that each individual was created in the image of God. 

We have been incredibly blessed this quarter by our staff and students. Last thursday morning they all got on one airplane and headed to Asia, their final destinations being; Thailand, Cambodia and India. We've already heard reports of on the spot headings and salvations and it's only been 1 week. I can't wait to hear about all that will take place in the next few months. Please be in prayer for them here are some things to pray for.

1. God's power at work in them
2. Health and Safety
3. Grace and strength for dealing with culture shock 
4. Bridges built with our long term workers and that our teams will be a blessing to the nations 

1 comment:

  1. Glad you went for the Mexican food! As always, you guys are an inspiration. Happy Easter!
