Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Long Awaited Opportunity

I fell in love with the Bible during my SBSCC (School of Biblical Studies Core Course) in 2005. The SBSCC is a shortened version of the SBS which is a 9 month Inductive Bible Study Course. That time of study radically challenged and transformed my understanding of scripture and of God. The SBSCC was foundational for me and set me on a path of teaching that I would never have started otherwise. 

Finishing the SBS has ALWAYS been a desire but being so busy with ministry I didn't think I would get the opportunity. God has made a way! I will be a student in the Chronological SBS starting next week. I will do the first quarter of the school and study through all of the Old Testament Narratives. I am so excited and probably crazy to be taking this on right now but it is an opportunity I can't miss out on. We will not be going home this summer and we will not be running a summer DTS (we never do) therefore this is my perfect timing to be a student again. 

I am in need of financial support to help with my tuition fees. Because I have been on staff with YWAM Honolulu for many years I am taking the course a discounted rate but I still need an extra $600 to pay for my school fees. As Chris and I live on a limited budget this is a challenge for us to meet. Therefore I am trusting God to meet this extra financial need. If you would like to support me in following this dream of studying the Old Testament I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you so much for your prayers and support and for staying connected with us. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Almost Home

I just wanted to send a quick update and say thank you to those people who have been praying for myself and Chris on our trip. I am currently on an airplane headed to Ensenada, Mexico where I will teach the book of Hebrews in the very first bi-lingual Biblical Core Course in Ensenada. In the coming days I will be sharing blogs about our trip. It was an amazing journey for us. I learned an incredible amount about the world that I didn't know I didn't know. 

We loved seeing the students in action. In the Philippines our DTS students were running a Discipleship Training Week for 60 Filipino youth.  In Cambodia the students were working in village schools teaching English to the cutest kids you've ever seen. While there I meet a man who had been apart of the Khmer Rouge army. After a few years he said he realized it was foolish to fight and fled from the corrupt military regime that was destroying the nation.  He escaped to join a refugee camp on the boarder of Thailand where he lived with his family for 12 years.

The Call2All conference in Chaing Mai Thailand was mind opening about the task to reach the lost, the least, and the last. Seeing 300 organizations join together for 1 common goal was inspiring. I love facts and data and thoroughly enjoyed hearing the stats from the experts on what needs to be done to finish the task of fulfilling the great commission.

 Korea was unexpectedly one of my favorite legs of the journey. We were surprised with the opportunity to go to the boarder of North Korea and the DMZ. The DMZ stands for de-militarized zone, which is ironic because it is the most militarized place on the planet.  It spans a 2 and a half mile wide gap between the boarder of the North and the South created to keep peace between the 2 nations. Filled with explosive land mines and electric fences it is designed to  keep the citizens of the North from escaping the communist military rule to the free South.  N. Korea has dug invasion tunnels under the DMZ. These were discovered by the South's military and blocked off. We had the opportunity to travel 100 meters underground into one of the discovered invasion tunnels. While there we also attended the Korean DTS graduation. I loved hearing the testimonies from the outreaches and enjoyed being apart of the finish line of their DTS experience. 

We were incredibly blessed by every leg of the journey and I will be updated my blog with posts about each stop. Our DTS staff and students are doing an incredible job of loving on The Lord, each other and the people of the nations they've been sent out to. Our job was to go and be an encouragement as well to form stronger partnerships with our long term workers.  Thank you again for partnering and praying with us.